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The Ancient Conspiracy really are behind everything. Occasionally, they do interact in the form of a Monster Mash. It's as if there are a bunch of disconnected secret worlds lurking under and above the surface of the real world and the heroes are the only ones who go between them. The alien bounty hunters do not run into the vampires, the angels, or the superhuman (non-alien involvement) mutants only the main characters. There's no overlap between the different genre creatures.

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In general when you have a Fantasy Kitchen Sink, the premise is mostly used for Monster of the Week plots - where there's one Myth Arc that focuses on a fantastic element and a bunch of totally unrelated sub-arcs about various lesser creatures or beings. Generally a sure sign of it is when creatures from typically different genres (Sci-Fi, Horror, and Fantasy) all exist within the same world with individual origins of their own, each implausible in their own way - leading up to a long series of suspensions of disbelief rather than just one.

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So not only are there really dragons, there are fairies, ghosts, vampires, werewolves, mummies, zombies, aliens, robots, time travelers, espers, angels, demons, gods, eldritch abominations, precursors, magic, and so on. What happens when All Myths Are True is turned Up to Eleven? You get a Fantasy Kitchen Sink! Everything is true, even if it comes from vastly different origins. The Order of the Stick (scene from the creation of the world), strip #274

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